Quiz – Solar Components, Units & Tools

Test your basic knowledge of Solar Energy Components, units & tools. It covers various technical and non-technical areas of the solar power plants.

You have 20 minutes to complete this quiz and are allowed unlimited re-attempts.


What is the relation between current and level of irradiance?

In ideal conditions, the solar panels should face true south for solar installations in the Southern Hemisphere and true north for solar installations in the Northern Hemisphere.

A typical multimeter can help you measure which of the following?

X allows you to trace how the sun’s path looks on paper. It can be used to identify the sun’s location at any time of the day or year. X is a:

The quantity of energy that a load consumes is measured and denoted in ‘X’. ‘X’ can also directly be converted into monetary terms, and is the value in which consumption and sales of solar energy happens and is measured in. Identify ‘X’.

Which of these two is considered as an inferior conductor and wiring material?

Select the safety tool that can keep you from suffering electric shocks

In its natural state, silicon is a much better insulator than a conductor and cannot be directly used in manufacturing solar PV cells. It is doped in its manufacturing process to make it a better semi-conductor

While charging, batteries give off a gas. Which one is it?

When the solar PV modules are arranged in series, the voltage values are additive, and the current values remain the same. Whereas, when the solar PV modules are arranged in parallel, the voltage remains constant, and the current values are additive.

To protect wiring and conductors from external damage, wear and tear, etc., they are placed inside conduits. Which of the following is a type of conduit?

A safety feature found in inverters, where they automatically get disconnected from the utility grid, at times of outage.

Current : Ammeter = Irradiance : X. Identify ‘X’.

Amorphous silicon (aSi) and Cadmium telluride (CdTe) are what types of solar modules?

Which of these is not a type of inverter, based on the size of the power output?

When speaking of the total global radiation received at a given site, we are referring to:

Which of these letters have not/are not used to denote Voltage?

Every solar PV module is tested under certain conditions by the manufacturer, to test their and rate their potential power output. These are known as Standard Test Conditions. Which of these is an element of the test?

Which of these is not a standard safety feature found in grid-connected inverters?

X is the measure of the amount of solar energy received at a particular location each day. The solar PV design term for X is also the number of peak sun hours. Identify X

Every solar PV module has 2 current values labelled on them and the specification sheets. These are:

What is the typical weight of a single solar panel?

Which of the following set of items should you carry with yourself at a site visit, as a part of your essential tool kit?

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