A World With Better Product Design | Priya Vakil – ThinkPhi

In the forth episode of the Spark Podcast, we invite Mrs. Priya Vakil, Founder at ThinkPhi to share her views on the various developments in the field of green technology. ThinkPhi has been a leading startup in Outdoor Products and Sustainability. With products for innovative and productive workspaces, outdoors.

Priya Vakil speaks to us about how making well designed multi-utility green innovations is the key to changing the consumer’s mindset. She shares how making well designed multi-utility green innovations can help you take your product from being a Nice-To-Have to a Must-Have.

We tend to only think about Performance and ROI, but I think it is a lot about going back and really listening to what the customer wants and what it is that they’re looking for. We need to design for and innovate for years down the line.

says Mrs. priya vakil

The Solar Industry needs to start focusing on consumer experience and design, besides performance. How often do you take someone to your rooftop to show them your solar panel array?



  • (01:03) – What is ThinkPhi trying to accomplish?
  • (03:14) – What approach did you take to capitalize on your innovation?


  • (4:09) What is Mahindra Electric’s business model and what is the approach that it is adopting right now?
  • (04:44) – How do you position as a product such as yours in a marketplace?
  • (07:53) – What inspiration can we take from Singapore towards sustainable development?
  • (10:21) – How are consumers in Singapore motivated differently than in India?
  • (11:55) – What should encourage small and medium scale builders to adopt green architecture?
  • (14:16) – Are Indian consumers ready to truly adapt to Smart City Technology?
  • (16:16) – Does the lack of city planning become the biggest roadblock to building Smart Cities?


  • (17:41) – Which policy of the government has benefitted your business in any way?
  • (20:06) – What advice would you share with the policymakers of our country?
  • (20:51) – What is one myth about sustainable development that you can debunk for us?
  • (21:52) – Advice for Entrepreneurs in the Renewable Energy Space

We’re grateful to Mrs. Priya to have taken out time and shared her views on the various developments in the global green markets. Follow Mrs. Priya on Linkedin and to learn about more solar energy, follow the Spark Podcast on Youtube

Until next time!